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The story of Eddy’s Cantina Back in the old country Mario and Rosa Gonzalez the young newly weds of Guadalajara had their first born child (a girl named Irlanda) and then immigrated to Canada. Shortly after in the small town of Kitimat B.C. Canada Eddy and younger brother Kyle were born. Since childhood Mario and Rosa taught the children the secrets of cooking Mexican food that were taught to them by their parents. Some time later Eddy moved to Taipei where he met his soon to be wife Jo Tzeng. After they married Jo mentioned that her dream was to open a small eatery or coffee shop because she was really a people person. The couple agreed but Eddy insisted that everything should be Mexican so they decided to open a burrito stand to first see how people would react to Mexican food in Taiwan,they called it Eddy Burrito. 10 months flew by and the couple decided to move to a nearbylocation where they could offer customers decent food at a decent price in a decent atmosphere. Eddy’s Cantina was born. Now the couple runs the small restaurant where customers can come and get Mexican food and Mexican Drinks at reasonable prices. 我們的故事 從前一對來自墨西哥瓜達拉哈拉的新婚夫妻—馬力歐(Mario)和羅莎(Rosa),他們育有一個可愛的女兒叫愛爾蓮達(Irlanda)艾迪的媽媽,隨後移民到加拿大。多年後,在加拿大的一個小鎮Kitimat,艾迪和弟弟凱爾(Kyle)誕生了。艾迪和凱爾小時候父母就開始傳授他們的墨西哥菜家傳食譜,就如他們的祖父母曾經傳授給他們父母一樣。 後來艾迪在台灣遇見了他的妻子Jo。Jo曾經對艾迪說過,因為她是一個好客的人,所以夢想可以開一家餐廳或咖啡廳。艾迪希望能夠以墨西哥菜為主題,所以為了想要進一步了解台灣人對墨西哥菜的反應,他們在淡水老街,從一個賣墨西哥捲餅的攤子做起,這個小攤子就叫做『艾迪捲餅』(Eddy Burrito)。 就這樣十個月過了,他們決定找個好一點的地方,提供給顧客更好的用餐環境跟品質,於是在附近開了這家小餐廳,以最平實的價格,提供大家最道地的墨西哥餐飲;『艾迪墨西哥餐廳』就此誕生。
Flora 芙洛拉複合精品 創立於2002 年,最早期由台北東區頂好名店城與敦化南路161名人巷以精品服飾女性名牌包發跡,2010年並由主理人Marc Lee經評估精品市場後在新竹科學園區設點,主要從事精品服飾與手工禮服婚紗訂製,並擁有為數不少的vip客戶與500大企業特約客戶群。本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,追求企業永續經營及成長;除整體營運穩定外,獲利狀況也逐年提昇,是國內績優廠商之一。 我們重視每一位員工,除了有良好工作環境、也提供學習及成長的空間,歡迎優秀的朋友一起加入我們的工作行列。 應徵前請務必點選facebook粉絲團 了解彼此的定位與需求 更能增進彼此合作的機會喔!(如果認同我們的風格請給個 讚!) 台北東區頂好店: 台北市忠孝東路4段97號B1 新竹竹科店: 新竹市金山九街50號
GBS started as a trading company in 2003 to serve the semiconductor market in Singapore. Its earlier products were mainly precision machined parts from Korea which were fast becoming a commodity as the industry matured. In order to remain relevant in the marketplace, a better definition was made to our business strategy. Our goal is to create sustainable and differentiated value propositions to our customers by leveraging on our Partners’ core competencies, our network and developing local expertise in supporting the defined products and services. In line with the business strategy in moving up the value chain, we have set up a Heater Pedestal refurb facility in Singapore in 2009 under a licensing agreement with our US’s technology partner, Aceco Precision Manufacturing – a 5 times Intel (2005-2009) PQS Award winner. As part of our growth strategies; growing beyond Singapore and Semiconductor. An associated company, GBS (Taiwan) was incorporated in Hsinchu in 2009 to serve our customers in Taiwan and China. Leveraging on our Partners’ technologies meant for semiconductor manufacturing, new applications were developed in new market segments such in the Defense, LED and Solar manufacturing.
INNOCOMM, based in Taiwan, is currently a private-held system integrator solution provider that develops integrated solutions from the top down to realize business, technical and operational objectives. In today’s competitive marketplace, INNOCOMM provides the open standard technology, professional service, and next generation messaging solutions to meet 2.5G 3G service provider in leveraging its new service platform and VAS applications by utilizing innovative IT technology and integrated network design. The spirit of INNOCOMM is to assist service providers to maximize business value by partnering an array of key vendors to supply business and technological solutions that are migrating from the traditional telephony model to offer flexible programmable mobile data service offerings at competitive prices. Our competitive strengths are: A. Ability to offer a range of telecommunications products and services that enable mobile data services to be added to existing business infrastructure; B. Ownership of a range of innovative, revenue-driven application products, and VAS solutions; C. Proven track record and established customer base which continues to provide new business locally regionally; D. Size, which means it is fast and flexible in responding to meet customers’ needs; E. Considerable international experience with a solid understanding of regional and local needs
http://www.kamia.com.tw/index.html KAMIA is the intersection between an angel fund and a product development firm. By investing in an innovative product development process, we seek to improve the value and competitive advantage of businesses. We often see small and medium businesses struggle to gain market share, not because they do not have a great product to offer, but because they are inexperienced in developing strong brands and executing quality product development processes. Large companies often hire product development consultancies to take care of this, however small and medium businesses often lack the development budget to hire consultancies. By partnering with businesses that have great products, technologies, or services to offer, we bring in the experience, time, and investment needed to help them build their competitive advantage.
Leadconn,with a goal of Memory,Interface Multimedia solution provider,was set up to generate innovative solution of electronic proucts by Leadconn Technology Corp., which was established in 2006 to provide satisfactory and integrated electronic products to word’s IT consumer electronics industry.
我們是一群熱愛美髮的工作者 我們把對美髮的夢想從這裡開始實踐 重新賦與美髮沙龍對消費者的責任 創立至今我們堅持遵循日系沙龍的風格 對人員的訓練一向紮實,從基礎做起 除了例行的技術研修之外 每年都會邀請日本老師親自來台授課 而這些都反映在精緻的服務品質上 設計師們會耐心地傾聽顧客的問題與需求 也會針對顧客個人的特性.問題去做解決 用最專業精緻的手法 為顧客創造出最簡單好整理的髮型 走進LOOK 髮舍 獨特的日本氣氛讓人眼睛為之一亮 從獨特的產品架上陳列著專業明亮的髮品 明亮空間的設計 以及設計師們對顧客專注的眼神和密切的互動 而店內安靜舒適的環境讓人不自覺地放鬆 也難怪這裡成了您必造訪的美髮沙龍 你可以確定的是 來這裡絕對可以得到最特別的感受 LOOK 髮舍要讓顧客知道要擁有多變化的髮型並不困難 而變髮的過程也可以是一個舒適的享受 從顧客的回店率與轉介率 我們知道LOOK 髮舍已經邁出夢想的第一步
MIL was founded on the principles of compassion, creativity and awareness. Always keeping God in mind, we aim to provide better and more sustainable design to everyday products. Our products explore new technology to elevate our standard of living through creative solutions. Our company values responsibility and innovation and hopes to show this dedication through our work. Explore and Design to fulfill the needs of lives. It is our goal. We design around people with creativity and responsibility to elevate our living standard in every detail. This is the core value and believed of Magicland Industrial Limited. When This new material (Magisticker™) was introduced to us, its “environmental friendly”, "reusable" and "easy on, easy off" characteristics have inspired us to appreciate Its unique functionality, therefore, step by step, we have implied it into everyday living products. In the beginning of 2009, we have MAGISTICKER™/MAGICSTICKER™ for our first product line.
MET Laboratories was founded by Leonard Frier as Maryland Electrical Testing in 1959. As the customer base quickly expanded beyond Maryland, the name was changed to MET Electrical Testing Company. Originally, the company focused on testing high voltage electrical transmission and distribution systems. In the 1970’s, MET was among the first laboratories to perform EMI and telecommunications testing to the emerging FCC regulations. In 1988, MET became the first Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) in the United States for testing and certifying products to UL safety standards In 1992, MET changed its focus exclusively to testing and certification of electrical products - whether in the laboratory or at customer locations. Consequently, the name changed to the present MET Laboratories. Also in 1992, the MET test report became accepted in 30 countries through the IECEE Certified Body (CB) Scheme MET has been a pioneer in testing and certification services and continues to be in the forefront of the electrical standards industry.
Nernstek created with the entry into the specialty engineeredmaterials business. Over the past 10 years, we have transformed and grown through innovation, strategic acquisitions and overseas investments into a global business in Engineered Materials. Nernstek solutions are a key part of products you and thousands of others interact with every day, such as adhesive tapes, sponges, conductive materials, thermal interface/pad, EMI absorbers, EMI shielding materials and other innovative products. Our application universe is immense and covers industries such as computers, automotive, telecommunications, medical equipment and any kinds of electric equipments. For more than 10 years Nernstek has helped customers solve and overcome engineering challenges. Our passion, vision and focus today, is to help customers differentiate the engineered key concept of their products so they become easier to sell and use by the end users. We strive to realize this vision by investing in a strong technical sales and marketing team backed by engineering and operational excellence.
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